I wish I'd seen this before our last Canakkale map post. The Turks made their Canakkale propaganda maps after the battle, the British made theirs before. This is a silk victory handerchief (did we mention it was British) celebrating the allied attack on the straights. On the bottom left of the map are the words "To Constantinople" at the mouth of the Dardenelles, while the silouhette of the city stands as the ultimate objective in the top right. On the corners are sheilds with the Australian and New Zealand flags and the words "well done" along with a the one to the left titled "Eclipse of the Star and Crescent." There's no evidence the British actually had a flag like this in mind for conquered Ottoman territory, although it certainly does a good job of getting their general intentions across. The original handkerchief is on display at the Iskenderun Deniz Muzesi, which is definitely worth a visit if you're in Iskenderun. Unfortunately this is the best picture I managed to get of it.